On the Dictionary.com Website:
You can view today's Word of the Day, as well as past entries, on our website: Dictionary.com Word of the Day. You can also scroll down to see past words, or tap on the word for the prior day.
You can also use our Word of the Day calendar view to be taken back to a Word of the Day for a particular date. Click on a date in the calendar to be taken to that particular Word of the Day page.
The calendar selector is located on the right-side of the Word of the Day page, when on desktop. To orient you on the page, here is a collapsed view of the calendar (highlighted in purple in this screenshot):
And here is the calendar expanded so one can see the month and days, to select a particular date:
These screenshots are from the view on desktop. If you are viewing the page on a mobile device, the calendar selector will be located on the Word of the Day page below the current day's word. You can scroll below the current day's Word of the Day and find the calendar view below it, but above the previous day's word
The calendar selector shows words for the past several years- back through February 2018. Words of the Day from prior to February 2018 are not available.
On the Dictionary.com Apps:
You may choose to view the past 30 or so days via the Dictionary.com App. To see today's word, open the Dictionary.com app and view the app's home screen. There you will see today's Word of the Day and you can tap on the Word of the Day to see the definition, examples of the word being used, learn more about the word's origin, and view previous Words of the Day.
To view past Words of the Day in the mobile app:
- Open the app
- Tap on the current Word of the Day- as shown on the app's home-screen. This will take you to the screen with today's Word of the Day.
- There, tap "View All" button (located below the tile with the current day's word on it). This will take you to a scrolling page that lists the word tiles for each Word of the Day over the past month. You can tap on an individual word tile to open up that day's Word of the Day screen to read more- see the definition, read the origin story etc.